The video from the last trip.

You can visit Abisko National Park in Winter and also in Summer while you will see magnificent Northern Lights in winter, in summer you will experience midnight sun especially between end of May till mid July the sun never goes down below the earth’s horizon. Actually there are  more than 10 reasons to visit Abisko National Park but I listed my top 10.

  1. Watching the Northern Lights

Yes the best place to see Northern lights is Abisko National Park. This is not because I am saying this is what Scientists say. The reason is Abisko has micro climate where the sky is clear in most of the days of the year so in order to see Northern lights you need clear sky and that is what Abisko offers. Because of the so-called “Blue Hole” effect that the lake and surrounding mountains of Abisko have that’s why Northern lights are easy to see from Abisko. Many people choose to go to Norway or Iceland in hopes of seeing the Northern Lights because maybe they have seen many advertising about those countries but the fact that most of the places in these countries are coastal. Iceland is an island and also Norway has coast to the ocean. Coastal climates are more temperamental with more frequent cloud cover. So this will decrease your chances of seeing the Northern lights dramatically. If you go inner land in those countries your chance to see Northern lights will be better.   Abisko has dry climate where the sky is clear most of the nights. Scientists agreed that the Northern lights in Abisko are among the most reliable in the world, with an 80% success rate of seeing the lights if you stay in Abisko for three nights. Abisko National Park has the highest success rate to see Northern Lights due to clear sky and the position of Abisko. The park is away from light pollution that is another good reason to enjoy watching Northern Lights away from city lights. Moreover the location of Abisko is 250km above the arctic cycle at the latitude of 68 North so this location is perfect to watch Northern Lights displays. In 2015 Lonely Planet dubbed Abisko as the world’s most illuminating experience.

Watching the Northern Lights
Colourful Northern Lights in Abisko

2. Experience the Natural Beauty of the Park

Lappland in northern Sweden is home to a number of spectacular national parks, the most scenic of these being Abisko National Park. Abisko National Park is not only one of the most beautiful national parks in Sweden but also in Europe. It is a must to visit for every nature lover. You should visit both in winter and in summer. You will experience midnight sun in summer. Sun never goes down from the end of May to mid July also you can hike into national park. You must see frozen waterfalls and canyon. It is a 15 min walk from STF tourist station. Don’t forget to make the photo of Lapporten (The Lapp Gate: A gateway to Lapland)  The Lapp Gate is a startling U-shaped valley between two of Sweden’s tallest mountains, Tjuonatjåkka and Nissotjårro. This perfectly symmetrical valley, from a distance looks like a giant hole cut through the mountain range, was shaped by glaciation.

Abisko national Park
Abisko National Park

3. See wildlife of Abisko National Park

The park has wildlife. You can spot easily Moose in the park. The park is home to lynx and wolverine. Martins, stoats, lemmings, and elks wander the wilds of the park, and many small species of bird, such as the arctic warbler, circle its skies.

Walks in Abisko National Park in Winter

4. Walk on the frozen lake of Torneträsk

Torneträsk Lake is just by the national park. It is 70km wide lake. In winter you will have the chance to walk on it. It is safe to walk even you can drive snowmobile on it.

Walking on frozen Torneträsk Lake
Jumping on frozen lake

5.Dog Sledding

Abisko has good tour operators and one of the adventure tour you must try is Dog sledding. You will drive your own dogs on the hills of abisko national park. A  dog sledding tour where you will be driving your own sled in the wilderness that surrounds Abisko. One person, one sled, it’s you and the dogs. But  don’t worry, there is always 2 guides joining the tour. Maybe some of you are against animal activities in tourism. But this one is different as huskies have been domesticated for exactly this kind of life. It is what they were born to do. The dogs live in great conditions. They are given love and rest time.  They really love what they do. They actually get so excited as they’re being harnessed up.

6. Ice Climbing

Do you want Adrenaline  and enjoy vertical ice? Abisko is a perfect place for trying out ice  climbing. Don’t worry you don’t need to have any experience of climbing or ice climbing. You will get an introduction on technique that how to get started  climbing. It’s not only a fun and exciting activity, it also takes place in a breathtaking and beautiful place surrounded by frozen waterfalls in all shades of blue.  Take the opportunity to try it!

7. Ice fishing 

Try fishing on one of the many frozen lakes in the Abisko surroundings. Ice fishing is a peaceful but yet exciting activity. While waiting for the fish to strike you sit down and relax on a cosy reindeer fur and gaze at the wonderful arctic winter landscape. If you are lucky,you will catch trout or arctic char. It is very delicious fish.The abundance of clean lakes makes this part of Sweden great for fishing.

Ice Fishing on Torneträsk Lake

8. Explore Abisko National park on snowmobile trip

Take unforgettable  snowmobile trips in  breath your greatest winter adventure which taking you  natural areas of Abisko. The tour is around 2 hours. There are 3 options of the tour. You  can chose sitting in the sled behind the guide driving the snowmobile or you can chose  driving the snowmobile yourself or 3rd option is for sitting in the sled.

9. Cross-Country Skiing

Cross-country skiing provides a way to see the Abisko National Park in winter. The park stretches out over a huge valley with beautiful mountains around

10. Visit the visitor center of Abisko National Park

The permanent exhibition has plenty of information about the national park, including an overview of its flora, fauna and cultural history. The visitor centre is open as follows:

December–mid-February: Thursday – Saturday–3pm–5pm;

Late-February–May:Daily 2pm–6pm;

June–August: Daily 9am–6pm;


We organize Northern Lights&Arctic Adventure trip to Abisko National Park every year since 2015. So far we organized 14th trips. Our success rate is %93 to see the Northern Lights. Only 1 group out of 14 trips was not lucky to see the Northern Lights but they truly enjoy the arctic activities which we mention above. We think you should not travel to see only Northern Lights but you should experience arctic activities while you are in such places. Thus please choose places to go with activities you can do during the day. If you are interested to join the next trip see details at the link Or the other trip

If those dates do not suit you please get in touch with us as we can arrange your booking in Abisko.


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*The original of this article is on Zeynep’s own blog, Counting 50!

It was never in my bucket list.

Well, to be honest I don’t have a bucket list at all. But I rate places that I’ve visited or things I’ve done whether I’d be happy to share it with my loved ones, would I want them to experience it and would I like to do it again with them. This Northern Lights in Abisko trip ticked all the boxes.  It certainly did.

You might have seen many pictures, photos and documentaries about them but being there gives another perspective. It is one of those things, better experienced in first hand rather than looking at a video.

I am not going to tell you about the facts around the Northern Lights, I am sure Google has a vast resource for this. For a basic tourist, there are apps, websites that would let you know real-time activity level from the weather stations in the region. When the activity level is at 2-3, the lights are there but only with the help of a professional SLR camera the green colors are visible, hence you look at the photos.

So how on earth we have seen them not only one night but two nights, well let me tell you about it.

First, you need to have the weather on your side. If it is a cloudy night you won’t be able to see anything. The best view is on a clear sky where you see stars as well as bright moon. During our stay in Abisko, it was highly disappointing on the 1st night and on the 3rd night it could have been a real worry if we hadn’t seen them on previous night. Yes, we stayed 4 nights in a hostel in Abisko, Sweden and we were so lucky with the weather and the lights were fantastic two of those four nights.

These photos were taken in the very beginning of the night, lights were not very strong. Throughout the night we learned and trained our eyes how to distinguish the activity from a thin cloud but the colors were not bright enough, we kept looking from the camera on that night.

On the second night (3rd night of our stay) the lights were much stronger; they were around level 4 or maybe higher on the activity ladder and this time we were able to enjoy the lights and did not need to look at the camera. Mainly they were bright green color, but we also saw a bit of pink underneath the greens which means those were much closer to earth. These were taken on the second night. Once the show starts it takes around 2 hours to stop but during the night, they could come up again.

We stayed in Abisko in Sweden. It is a small town next to the Torneträsk Lake and due to the mountains around it the weather is much drier, and it has more clear nights than next residential area. There are a few hostels, guesthouses and a couple of hotels in the area. During our stay we kept nights for only Northern Lights, at some point we literally chased them in the woods, over the lake, up the hill. During the days we had the options to try all winter related activities, ice fishing, ice climbing, dog sledding, snowmobile where you pay extra fees for each. Hiking in the nature was free and with the scenery around the lake it was fantastic. We even walked over the frozen lake, which was a quite experience. I used a chain type of accessory over my boots to be able to walk over the ice. It was a hard work to put on before you step out and take off when you want to step inside but it worth. I was so happy to walk around with no fear of slippery icy conditions.

During our stay we took a day trip Narvik, Norway. With a view of beautiful river and mountains, it is one of those best scenic routes in the region.  On our way back to airport on the last day we also stopped by the IceHotel in Kiruna. It is an interesting idea turned into a tourist spot over the years. The one that we visited was Icehotel number 29, apparently, they have been rebuilding the hotel for the last 29 years from scratch.

They identify huge ice cubes in the adjacent river during spring, carry them with cranes top the workshop and carve them into arty objects and show them during winter and in summer they all melt and go back to the river.

Apart from the weather there is a very important factor in the success of this trip, the tour guide. Our tour was a small group of 15 people and our tour guide, Naim, has been to this same place with many groups over the last 5 years. We were the 14th group and only one group didn’t see the lights so far. This is a big success rate I’d like to think especially in a real natural event. Naim, did his best for us to enjoy the whole process, leading us to the viewing spots throughout the night. At times when it was too cold or late, he would send us back to hostel to get some warm but would call us whenever he spotted any activity. His enthusiasm and ambition to see the lights were unbelievable.

In Abisko the rule of thumb is “no promise on catching the Northern Lights or arctic char, the fish lives in the lake.” It is all in natures hand. You could also ask to the Northern Light Fairy for some help though. I’d like to think that my short discussions with the snowmen around the lake on the 2nd and 4th days, did help us as well.

What I also realize about this Northern Lights trip is that it has a strong level of attraction on social media as well.  The minute I shared my whereabouts and my photos the entire friends on FB and Instagram showed an interest.

So below is the link to the tour  that we were in for your information, and I strongly recommend: My Escape to

Written By Zeynep Dogan

Next Northern Lights Tour

Northern Lights&Arctic Adventure/11-15 March 2020

I will call “Iron Oro Train” as Sahara Express as I think it is more suitable to call it as Sahara Express because I never know any other train which cross some part of Sahara. This is the only train runs some part of Sahara Desert and also cross most of the Mauritania from West to the North East. Actually, this train is mainly to carry the iron from iron mine to the harbour of Nouadhibou. It is not for passengers but because of luck of transport and road from Nouadhibou to directly East Mauritania people use it as transport. There are at least 3 trains run from Nouadhibou to Zoureat but only 1 of them has passenger wagon even though most of the people do not use passenger wagon because it is not worth to use it without proper sitting places. Not many people want to use the passenger wagon but instead they take one of the empty carriage wagon and to ride this wagon is for free of charge. Also if you want to ride passenger wagon it is not expensive it should be around £6. Anyway let me give you more information how to get this train. The train which stops for passenger usually between 2pm to 4pm. So to be for sure to take the train I went to train station which is outside of the city at the entrance of the city of Nouadhibou took a taxi from the city. As a foreigner the taxi driver will want expensive fare for the ride but 50 Mauritania Ouguiyas (£1.2) is enough that is what I pay. I would recommend always ask your hotel receptionist or if you eat in a restaurant or drink coffee ask the stuff about the price what locals pay so you will have exact idea how much it will cost you. I went to train station at 2pm so when I arrive, I asked the locals waiting for the train and they told me that the train would come between 6pm to 7pm so be ready to wait long hours. There was small kiosk at the train station to get something to eat but also take food and drinks with you as the train journey will be 12 hours. 
So when the time was coming around 7pm the security guys told me that the train will be at 1am 🙂
I was not angry that the train will start to run late but rather I was happy as if I take the train late so I will see more landscape on the way when the sun will start to rise around 6.30am also be aware that as the train cross the desert it is cold and windy at night. I would suggest you take good sleeping bag and good outdoor dresses with you.
The train arrived at 00.40. It usually waits at the station around 15 minutes so you have enough time to get on the train.
The adventure train journey started at 1am I could not sleep much that night as it was cold and windy so This journey is only for adventurous people.
I put my alarm for 6am as the sun rise was around 6.30 and I wanted to see the first lights over Sahara Desert.
I slept a little bit that night and wake up at 6am and saw how the train cross the desert. Then amazing sunrise over Sahara Desert.
The landscape was amazing. I was lucky to see it. Also, I cant wait to see the 3rd biggest monobloc in the World. It is Ben Amera. more info here.
it is 60km before Chaum where you get off the train. I think one of the highlights of this epic journey is also to see the 3rd biggest Monoblock and also there were many more Monoblock rising on the desert. 
Yes at the end after 12 hours train journey arrived to Chaum where I got off from the train. There are a few minibuses waiting people to transfer to Atar city. So dont worry about the transport. 
I took the minibus and paid 200 Mauritania Ouguiyas (£5) it took 2 hours to arrive to Atar with very good roads. I was so tired and just get a room on the first hotel I see at the center.

Facts about the Iron Oro Train (Sahara Express)
[ ] Be ready at station at 2pm 
[ ] The best way to have this journey is from Nouadhibou to Chaum. The reason is the carriage wagon goes empty.
[ ] The train journey usually takes 12 hours from Nouadhibou to Chaum
[ ] Take with you good sleeping bag, matt, polar dresses, food and drink
[ ] The train on the way stops at some stations to give way to the train coming on other directions. I think at least 3 trains runs at each direction maybe more.


Future Adventures



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Location of Simien Mountains Ethiopia.

The Simien Mountain National park is located, in the Amhara regional Government state, North Gondar Zonal, 886-km distance from the capital, Addis Ababa and 123 km from Gondar 13°Nl,38°E lies between the altitudinal range of 1900 masl to 4430 masl at Bwahit in northern west of Ethiopia. More importantly, it is also located on the northern edge of the Great Rift Valley, which passes through Ethiopia and down to Mozambique, stretching over 6000 km. The mountain nature of the park together with its surrounding high peaks gives rise to the name The Roof of Africa. The SMNP is endowed with unique landscape and endemic animals, plants found only in the Ethiopian Highlands.

Simien Mountains – Geology of simian mountains National park Ethiopia. Geological history of the Simien Mountains was as mentioned below. The Simien Mountain were formed lava outpouring In the Miocene and Oligocene geological periods. These trap lavas covered all the pervious rock formation and the type of volcanic activates were like the ͑͑Hawaiian҆҆ type /found in china/ and spread over a wide area everything about 15,000 km² or more. These trap lavas hardened slowly forming a profile with gently sloping side like the Hawaiian volcanoes.

Climate of Simien Mountains National park Ethiopia.

The Climatic of SMNP is dependent on great altitudinal variation and mountains landscape categorized by6 wet, cool, and cold seasons. These climatic conditions are traditionally classified in four major climate zones as Woina Dega (1900-2400masl sub tropical climate) Dega (2400-3400masl temperate climate) High Dega (3400-3700masl cool climate) Wurch zone (>3700masl alpine).

Simien Mountains Natinal park- Wildlife in the Simien Mountains.

There are 22 large mammals, 13 small mammals and 182 bird species currently living in the mountains, of which 3 large mammals, 8 small mammals and 6 bird species are endemic to Ethiopia.

Gelada baboon in Simien National park.

The Gelada is an old-world monkey; not a baboon despite previous naming conventions. It is the only living member of the once widespread genus The ropithecus, and is only found in the highland of Ethiopia. The present-day distribution of the gelada is limited to the steep escarpments and gorges that border the eastern side of the central highlands and the north western highlands of Ethiopia

Walia ibex in Simien Mountains.

The Walia Ibex is found solely in the Simien Mountains, usually between 2,500 and 3,000m. They tend to live in groups and they forage in open spaces. The first record of the Walia was in 1835 by the explorer Rupell. Local legend states that the Walia came to the park with the saint Kidus Yared who used them to carry his holy books.

Ethiopian wolf in Simien Mountains National park.

The Ethiopian wolf is one of the rarest animals in the world. It is also Africa`s most threatened carnivore. The closet living relatives of the Ethiopian wolf are grey wolves and coyotes. The Ethiopian wolf ancestor crossed over from Eurasia during the Pleistocene period about 100,000 years ago, when sea levels were lower and Africa / the Middle East were connected.

Birdlife in Simien Mountains.

Well known bird species include: Watt led libs (bostrychia carunculata) The thick -billed raven (corves crassirostris) The tawny eagle (Aquila rapax). Bearded vultures (Gypaetus barbatus).

Plants in Simien Mountains.

Plant composition diversity refers tovegetation richness of the SMNP. Morethan 1,200 plant species with diversifiedfloristic composition in wide range ofaltitudes are believed exist in SMNP.About 507 species are identified and described of which about 57 tree speciesare identified in and around SMNP andover 20 plant species estimated areendangered. Out of 52 species of grasses10 are endemic to Ethiopia and only 3 areendemic to the Simien.

Rainfall in Simien Mountains.

The type of rainfall in the park area is characterized as 1 long eight month rainy season and a ideal hiking condition four-month dry season. The big rains begin in June and last through to September, after decreases with sporadic rainfall and fog. In the SMNP there is a relationship between rainfall and altitude. Rain increases with altitude up to 3,500-m altitude and begins to fall again. This is because the condensation usually fails to ascend up to the highest peak.

Temperature In Simien Mountains

The maximum temperature in the mountains is 15°C during the day and usually drops between -3 and 5°C at night with the coldest months being October, November, December, and January. In the

dry season temperatures can drop as low as -30°C at night at the higher altitudes with occasional snowfalls. Between June and late September is considered rainy season in Ethiopia.

What to bring whilst traveling in Simien Mountains.

From the beginning of December to the end of January, the temperature drops from -1 up to -3 during the night while during the day temperatures can reach as high as 25+; as a result, we recommend you bring: Sunscreen, Sleeping bag (three season at the very least), Gloves, A long

jacket, Other warm clothing, Thermal layers, Head beanie The temperature during the rainy season of June and July is the other way round. It gets cold during the day because of the rain and fog, whereas during the night it gets warmer as clouds keep the temperature higher. Light and waterproof materials are recommended at this time of the year since rain is highly expected and besides this it is very important to have with you those individual kits which listed below: Torch with spare batteries, Small travel alarm/reliable watch, Earplugs, Dark sunglasses, Spare spectacles (or lens prescription), Detergent, Polythene bags Sewing kit/String (clothes line/repairs etc.), water purification tablets, and any Personal medication desired. Some hikers with minimal experience occasionally pack altitude sickness pills if they plan on summiting Ras Da

Written by Simien Mountain Expert Guide Berhanu Asrat

WhatsApp:+44 77 35056586